Martes, Agosto 16, 2011

Colorful Characters of Slot Machines

One of the reasons why slot machines were introduced before was that some people in the gambling industry wanted a new game that wouldn't be too complicated for people who just want to have fun while gambling. When the slot machine was introduced in the gambling industry people took to it like bees on honey. They loved the noisy box with the colorful lights and they loved it even more because you never need to learn complex strategies or calculations in order to play it. All a player has to do is pull on the lever and hope to the heavens that spinning reel would stop with a winning combination. It's that simple, it's that direct and people loved the contraption because of its simplicity and yet exciting game.

Nowadays, slot machines have evolved and went on to become digital gambling games along with other table and card games when casinos started moving onto the internet. Online slot machines are the new rave for the 21st century gambler and with so many online slot machines emerging almost every week the people who design them are becoming more and more creative.

Back then, slot machines had simple designs. The earliest slot machines only had card numbers or faces on the reels, or some of them had fruits painted on the reels which the player had to match together. But with so many online slot machines emerging the design of each game had to be better than the others, which is why these days slot machines have become like a canvas where artists paint their masterpieces. And there are a lot of online slot machines out there that have very beautiful designs.

One of the most famous designs for an online slot machine is the pirate theme. Even during its earlier days, slot machines were already sporting pirates and their booty on the reels. When slot machines went online pirates often still graced some of the reels but they were also used for other purposes. Some slot machines based the whole layout and their game on pirates naming their bonus rounds or promotions as their “booty” or “buried treasure” and players would have a wonderful time trying to win those pirate treasures.

Another famous theme for online slot machines are films or movies. The Godfather movie is a classic online slot machine theme and some virtual poker machines have these enigmatic characters on their game layout. They would even provide a back story for the game, saying that the player is the Godfather's loyal ally who has to win the bonus round in order to save the Mafia family. This theme is a cool design especially for those who love Coppola's film. Just don't try to emulate the Godfather too much and start shooting your computer if you don't win.

Another often used and wonderful theme that designers use on their slot machines is the jungle theme or Aztec design. A lot of people associate wealth and buried treasure with the Aztecs or ancient South American tribes probably because of the famed El Dorado legend, which some people still believe to be true. That is why some online slot machine designers chose to base their games on the Aztecs to make punters feel that they're actually searching for the legendary city of gold. And if these gamblers win the jackpot they might actually believe that they've found their gold.

Miyerkules, Hulyo 27, 2011

Are Online Slot Machines Better Than Offline Slot Machines?

Online slot machines are far better than offline slot machines. They're just as fun to play with like the offline ones, but they have the upper hand compared to the latter due to convenience and better deals. Online slot machines came into existence when online casinos started emerging. In the mid 1990s, the internet was becoming a medium or venue for a lot of things. Businesses started going online to advertise their products and companies as well as to take orders from customers who want to purchase their products online. People started contacting lost friends or family members through the internet and the virtual plane started creating social networking sites for this kind of thing. So it wasn't such a surprise that the gambling industry would follow suit and have their games be played online too. When they did enter the internet they brought with them a wide array of gambling games punters loved playing and these were: blackjack, roulette, poker, baccarat and of course slot machines.

The online poker machines also became a huge hit amongst punters and every casino on the internet carried their own barrage of poker machines numbering into the hundreds. The mechanics of the game is similar to the offline poker machines, wherein a player has to push the button to activate the reels and when he gets a row of matching symbols he wins, but if he doesn't then he loses. But what makes online pokies much better than their land-based counterparts is the convenience of playing them inside your home. Back then players had to book a flight to Vegas for the big-jackpot slot games, but now people from around the world could play with their favorite slot machines at home and they will still win a huge jackpot if their luck prevails. So no need to fly to Vegas or Atlantic City because you only need to go online to win that huge jackpot.

Another thing that sets online pokies apart from the land-based ones is their higher payout percentage. This percentage refers to how likely a punter will win if he plays with a slot machine. In real casinos, the payout percentage is around 80% to 88%, while in online slot machines the payout percentage is around 95% to 98%. Evidently, online pokies are more likely to give you cash rewards than offline pokies and justifiably so, because online slot machines have lesser overall costs than their land-based counterparts. Online poker machines do not have to pay for rent because the internet is totally intangible and the only thing they have to pay for are servers that will operate their programs, which are much cheaper than paying for a lease in a property. Also, online pokies do not have to pay employees because all of the programs in an online casino are computer-operated.

Another thing is that online slot machines are constantly competing with other slot games on the internet so all of them are trying to attract customers or keep their existing customers. One way to do those things is to give out more bonus deals, promotions and/or higher-paying jackpots. Check online and you will see almost all online casinos and slot machines offering a hundred and one bonus deals to customers. That makes it too hard to ignore them, which is why online slot machines are definitely better than offline slot games.